Monday, March 30, 2009

Shut Up!

If you followers keep complaining about what I should post them maybe that is why I have a whole post just for that! It is called: Your Ideas! And it has exactly 2 comments!


Ok, so I lost this folder for school and it is really important and i like have to do all the work over but I am not sure that that is the thing to do. This is really embarrassing and it has like a months worth of work in it. It really stinks! I have to do a report on it to that is due this week! I am sooooooooooooo dead! OH NO!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Songs (to sing)

What is the best skiing/snowboarding song? What do you sing in your head when you are skiing/snowboarding? I like to sing fast and fun songs to go with my speed!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wipe out!

What is the best wipe out you have ever accomplished.


This is really off topic, but what is your favorite food. (yummy).