Friday, February 6, 2009

Funny Funny Funny!

Ok so here you can post anything funny that happened at school. No names, no school names, no teacher names. You can say "what happened at school today was funny because......" and you can say if they were a boy or girl, that's ok.


  1. ok so my band teacher threw an empty reed case at my friend because she played a b natural when it was supposed to be a b flat so when my teacher turned her back my friend threw the reed case at my teacher and it hit her in the head. hahahahahaha

  2. Lets just say that school + me = embarrassing moments!
    1. I walked through a door and straight into the school nurse. Bad thing: she was holding a cup of coffee. It hit me in the head. Coffee everywhere! And that's not a good thing.
    2. So after lunch I stuffed a handful of my friend's pretzels in my mouth and a person bumped into me, one went up my nose, blood gushing everywhere!
    3. Bumped into a trash can, it fell over, and the teacher behind me fell over ON TOP OF IT.
    YAY ME!

  3. omg! i didn't think so much could happen in a day!
